Defending Christ
By: Tim Edwards
Christian values are under attack daily. In fact, Christians have their rights violated regularly and worse still they allow it to continue unabated. Let me give you some background here.
I tried to place an advertizement in the local paper. Unfortunately, the word ‘Christian’ was used. This word caused offense (I was advertising a baby sitting service), and was politely informed that I could not discriminate by using the word Christian. Allegedly this was in violation of some or other law (Federal law).
My first reaction was - total aghast. I was horrified. As I was doing this as a favor for a congregation member, I decided to leave it as is. Later on, I realized the danger of letting this go unchallenged. I did some research, and discovered that the newspaper had no grounds to reject my ad. When I called the newspaper up and requested further information on which law I was violating, the response was ‘Equal Employment’. I pointed out that I was not trying to fill a vacancy, but rather solicit clients! The ad manager had to call me back to clarify.
Isn’t it amazing, the mere mention of the word ‘Christian’ caused offense that he did not have to read the ad further, but rather be on the safe side, reject the word. What has our society come to that the word Christian is cause for offense? The word ‘Christian’ is not allowed to be placed in ads?
I know you know this, but perhaps you have forgotten? The root word of Christian is Christ. Imagine a society where we are afraid of using HIS name in our media, because it may cause offense! This is the same name that so many “so called” agnostics use when in a fox hole and the artillery is falling everywhere, cry out to . This is the same name that so many violate daily in their cursing, the same name that mothers cry out when their children are on death’s bed, or when loved one’s are dying prematurely. We all call on Christ at some or other stage in our fact the first thing you do when you are born is speak the name of God. Your first breath, sounds like the Hebrew name :”Yahweh”. The last thing you do before you die is speak out God’s Name - your last breath. Your breath is the name that God spoke to Moses. When Moses asked God :”What is your name, God replied: Y - H - W- H” This is the sound of breath - the sound you make when you breath in or out. How is it then that every time you breath in or out, you are calling upon God, but we cannot use the name of HIS son in schools, in the work place or in ads.
I wonder if the world realizes what would happen if we were not allowed to say the name of God anymore. Well...go on try it. Stop saying God’s name for 5 minutes. All those that tried this, are not with us can’t hold your breath for 5 minutes.
God breathed into us when HE formed us. Breath is our life. Without breath we are not able to live in our human form. Every breath you take, you acknowledge God. How silly of man to try and stop us from breathing...
Pastor of a rural church in Ky. Has a Deliverence Ministry - has one book published (Demystifying the End Times) and is waiting for the second one to be published.
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