Do not let Setbacks Stop You
By: Cathi Pope
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13 There has been many times then I care to remember when I have read Philippians 4:13, and each time I have, it would register with me for a short while, sort of like a passive attitude, if you will. In other words, I would just take my faith for granted.
I am sure that you are probably wondering “what does she mean by that?” I certainly didn’t realize this myself at first, but now I do. Let me explain. In the past, upon reading Philippians 4:13, or even quoting Philippians 4:13, my reaction would be, “oh yea, all I need is faith”, then 10 minutes later I would forget about it. Until, of course, it has been brought to my attention the conditions that the Apostle Paul was in when he wrote this letter. Paul was in prison in Philippi. Not only that, he wrote most of the New Testament while in prison in one place or another. We are not talking about the prisons as we know them today, oh no. Here is a description of the type of prison that Paul was in, they consisted of chains, fetters, and stocks that were used as means of confinement. Now, given these surroundings, it would be understandable for Paul to just throw in the towel and say “I can’t take it anymore, I give up”. Let’s be honest here, how many of us would throw in the towel? I can honestly say, that I have never even come close to this type of a setback, but what little I have come across, I would “throw in the towel” and give up. Yet, Paul did not allow these setbacks to disrupt him in spreading the Gospel. He even expresses Joy while writing these letters. Amazing, isn’t it? Yes, but not impossible, I thank God for Paul who was an example as to how we are suppose to do God’s Will no matter what obstacle lay in his path.
So, next time we remember, Philippians 4:13, really know it in your heart and soul that you will not let setbacks stop you from fulfillling your destiny.
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