Face To Face With God
By: Alma Norman
What would you say to God If you met him face to face? Would you be eager to see him Or make excuses Desiring to go another place?
Would you have any questions To enter your mind; Like where would you meet, And what day and what time?
Wouldn't it be a humbling experience To meet God somewhere? Would you worry about trival things Like, what to say and what to wear?
Would you thank God For all he's given you? Or make excuses, knowing That you will reap What you're due?
What words would God speak to you or to me? Would they be words of Chastisement or praise? Oh, Lord....what would they be?
Alma Norman copyrighted 2003
Married for 37 years, have 2 married sons and 5 gr. children. I live about 45 miles south of nshville. I enjoy writing spiritual poems and devotionals for my Christian group for women online. I've been a Chrsitian for 45 years and enjoy teaching children's Bible classes each Sun.
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