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The Kurds

A cluster of 27 distinct groups living in 15 different countries.

Estimates from the World Evangelization Research Center:

Table#2 - Status of Christianity

Group Name Country Major Religion % Christian # Evangelized Scripture Availability Jesus Film Christian Broadcasts Mission Agenicies
Kurd Afghanistan Muslim 99.9% 0.01% 3,000 New Testament Available None None
Northern Kurd Armenia Muslim 90% 0.03% 13,500 New Testament Available None None
Northern Kurd Azerbaijan Muslim 70% 0.01% 2,800 New Testament Available None None
Kurd Belgium Muslim 99.9% 0.1% 7,900 New Testament Available None 1
Northern Kurd France Muslim 99.9% 0.1% 23,400 New Testament Available None None
Northern Kurd Georgia Muslim 88% 0.03% 7,400 New Testament Available None None
Kurd Germany Muslim 99.9% 0.1% 178,200 New Testament Available None 6
Herki Kurd Iran Muslim 99.9% 0.02% 1,200 None None None None
Northern Kurd Iran Muslim 90% 0.03% 67,100 New Testament Available None 1
Shikaki Kurd Iran Muslim 100% 0% 1,100 None None None None
Southern Kurd Iran Muslim 93% 0.02% 168,300 Portions Available None 2
Herki Kurd Iraq Muslim 99.9% 0.04% 3,300 None None None 4
Iraqi Kurd Iraq Muslim 95% 0.05% 466,800 None Available Available 6
Northern Kurd Iraq Muslim 90% 0.07% 413,000 New Testament Available None 10
Shikaki Kurd Iraq Muslim 99.9% 0.1% 3,300 None None None 4
Southern Kurd Iraq Muslim 93% 0.1% 523,200 Portions Available None 6
Surchi Kurd Iraq Muslim 99.8% 0.2% 1,900 None None None 3
Kurd Kazakstan Muslim 80% 0.1% 7,700 New Testament Available None None
Kurd Kuwait Muslim 99.9% 0.03% 33,900 New Testament Available None 1
Kurd Kirgizia Muslim 80% 0.02% 4,100 New Testament Available None None
Northern Kurd Lebanon Muslim 99.9% 0.03% 30,000 New Testament Available None 1
Western Kurd Syria Muslim 95% 0.13% 313,200 New Testament Available None 3
Alevica Kurd Turkey Muslim 99.9% 0.03% 29,500 None Available None None
Dimili Kurd Turkey Muslim 99% 0% 85,200 None None None 2
Herki Kurd Turkey Muslim 99.8% 0.2% 6,600 None Available None 1
Northern Kurd Turkey Muslim 93% 0.01% 1,817,600 New Testament Available None 5
Shikaki Kurd Turkey Muslim 100% 0% 900 None None None 1

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