30 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World
What an exciting time in history to be alive! In a wonderful move of God's Spirit, intercessory groups have sprung up the world over that are praying night and day for unreached peoples. Many believe that this is the season for Hindus to experience God's love and power in greater measure.
Our number one goal in intercession is for Hindus to come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many obstacles must be overcome in order to reach this goal, and that is the basic purpose behind the development of this prayer guide you are holding in your hand. We cannot overcome obstacles if we are not able to identify them, and we cannot loose Hindus into the loving hands of our Father if we do not know what holds them in bondage.
The 30 Day Hindu Prayer Guide contains such information. Once we, as a united intercessory force, begin to battle on their behalf, the effect will be beyond measure. Keep in mind, that if any two of us agree concerning anything in Jesus' Name, it will be done (Matthew 18:19). How much more effective we will be if thousands of us are agreeing on the same day all over the globe!
Although there are many forms of Hinduism in many nations, the Prayer Guide, for the most part, was researched and written in India. India is therefore the main focus during our 30-day prayer effort. The term "Hind" was originally used by Persians to describe the region beyond the Indus River. Later, Moslem invaders called the region Hindustan. In the 18th century, the term Hinduism was coined to describe the many different religious and social customs of the people in the land of Hind or India. India, therefore, is the home of the majority of the world's Hindus, a wonderful people, warm and hospitable.
This year is notable as India's 50th Anniversary as an independent nation. Since independence, India has made great strides and has faced enormous odds. This country, so diverse in language, ethnicity, and religion, has held together in a miraculous way! Within its borders, people speak 1,652 dialects and 18 major languages with a variety of different scripts. India is a nation of nations with a turbulent political life that reflects this diversity. In the face of numerous secessionist movements, six wars with China and Pakistan, the assassination of two prime ministers, and a political spectrum that involves Hindu, Moslem and Communist factions, it remains the world's largest democracy.
It is also a country of amazing contrasts. In certain areas of Bombay and Delhi, people live in luxurious apartments where they are waited on hand and foot. But only miles away, millions live on the streets with all the intimacies of life bare for all to see. While modern industry flourishes, village life is similar to that in Bible times. India's space industry boasts half a dozen orbiting satellites and two successful astronauts, while oxen-drawn ploughs and women drawing water from wells are part of day-to-day life in rural areas.
India has been steeped in ancient traditions for thousands of years and is a nation like no other. Anyone who visits or reads about this country soon realizes they have entered a deeply religious society. Innumerable religious festivals and pilgrimages occur regularly that honor not only their gods and goddesses, but also vegetation, animals and planets. Shrines, holding one or more of the deities Hindus worship, are scattered in every direction. As devotees create religious paintings out of colored powder and flower petals on city sidewalks, poverty-stricken rickshaw men pass by pulling their human cargo amidst the toxic fumes of heavy traffic jams frequently caused by lounging holy cows. Numerous wandering holymen roam about with ash-smeared bodies carrying all their worldly possessions in a sack upon their back. Indians have an insatiable thirst to learn about God, and are always ready to hear the way of salvation. It is time for them to come into His Kingdom!
Hinduism is multifaceted and can be as broad or as narrow as its definer chooses to believe. Hindu beliefs have subtly permeated the western world in the form of New Age without the majority ever realizing it is present. Educated Hindus who seek higher forms of thought practice Philosophical Hinduism. They disassociate themselves from obvious idol-worship and enact rigorous forms of self-discipline in order to attain a better reincarnation. The other extreme of this religion, Popular Hinduism, holds the majority captive. These millions spend each day in blatant bondage to idols and spirit appeasement. They perform repetitive rituals to trees and red-painted stones in the belief that their efforts will ward off evil influence and give them a measure of control over the chaos in their lives.
Hinduism is one of the world's predominant religious and social forces that rules the lives of its adherents from ceremonies performed at birth, to food, clothing, employment, marriage and death. For instance, a young, modern woman on her way to work at the office of a foreign company, carefully takes water to her balcony and splashes it on both herself and her tulsi plant as an act of worship. This plant has spiritual significance to Hindus and this woman believes this worship will satisfy evil spirits and ward off her dread of widowhood. In Indian villages, millions are controlled by witchdoctors, the fear of the evil eye and of angry devis (goddesses). Rich and poor alike live in bondage to astrology forecasts, gurus, myths and priests. A Hindu belongs to a culture that is absolutely saturated with religion, and conversion often entails the loss of all that is familiar: home, family, livelihood and marriage prospects. The very fabric of India and of Hinduism is entwined with powers that withstand the Truth and it is time they bow the knee to the Lord Jesus!
There is a great history of the Lord's faithful servants in India. Since the days of William Carey, ships have docked at the nation's gateway, Bombay City, and eager young missionaries have disembarked. They forsook everything to obey the Lord's call to the mission field, but before many even made it inland, they died of disease and were laid to rest in Indian soil. What a painful, yet beautiful testimony of their love for the Lord and for India! There is a garden preserved in an old mission cemetery in the midst of this city's tower blocks. The lingering aroma of flowers bring precious memories of the many small children laid to rest there with so little experience of life. Such a great price has been paid, not only by missionaries, but also by Hindu converts! God has not over looked their sacrifice! He will grant them their heart's desire with a heavenly inheritance of Indian souls!
This is an hour in which the Lord is reaping His final harvest on earth. Indians are crying out for the Gospel! Prayer is the answer! Let us stand together in confidence on this faithful promise in God's Word as we work and wait with expectancy for its fulfilment. "In His Name the nations will put their hope" (Matthew 12:21 NIV).
Through this prayer process, you will learn about the Hindu people and their culture. God will open your eyes to see their great need for salvation, and you will begin to sense His wish that none should perish and for all to come to repentance, because Christ gave Himself as ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:4,5; 2 Peter 3:9). Let us work together to fulfil the Father's longing to see Hindus brought into His eternal kingdom.
An introduction to Hinduism.
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