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Prayer Points for Afghanistan
From "Operation World" by Patrick Johnstone
Copyright ©1993-1995 Patrick J. St.G. Johnstone.
(Used with permission)

  • War's devastation has brought immense suffering to the nation, yet has been used by God to make people more receptive to the gospel. An estimated 800,000 have lost their lives, a further 1,600,000 have been maimed and 7,000,000 have had to flee their homes. It will take decades to clear the 10-40 million mines and rebuild homes, schools, farms and shattered lives. Pray for peace and deliverance from further tyrannies.
  • The Civil War began as an Islamic holy war or jihad, but has degenerated into a cruel contest for power, ethnic superiority and religious supremacy. Weapons from Iran and Saudi Arabia and ideological indoctrination have further polarized society to the tragic detriment of the people and surrounding countries. Islam has gained no credit in the hearts of many who claim to be its followers. Pray that the centuries-old powers of darkness that bind this land may be broken, and that many may come to new life in Christ.
  • Afghanistan is one of the least reached lands in the world. There are 48,000 mosques but not a single church building, nor a viable fellowship of believers in any but one of the indigenous peoples of the country. Pray for the 88 unreached peoples of this land, especially: The Pushtuns, the warlike, vengeful tribes of the Afghan-Pakistan border region. Only a small number of Christians among them.
    The Uzbeks and Turkmen of the north.
    The Tajiks in the northeast and urban areas.
    The Hazara, Shi'a Muslims of Mongol descent, who have been discriminated against, but who have been more responsive to the gospel.
    The Kuchi nomads in central and western regions who numbered 2,500,000 before the war destroyed their life style. They represent many unrelated tribes and languages. Many fled to Pakistan.
    The Char Aimaq of the west and the Baloch and Brahui of the south.
    The Nuristani tribes of the much-contested mountains to the north and east of Kabul.
  • The tragic plight of the refugees will take years to resolve. Pakistan is urging refugees to return to their homes, and in 1992 about 5,000 were leaving every week. The mujahidin (guerrillas) who control the camps have long used Western weapons and aid, but have now become very anti-Western and anti-Christian. Many Christian aid programmes have been abused or stopped, and at least three Christian aid workers have been killed. Pray for Christians who still seek to help and witness tactfully in a hostile environment and atmosphere. Some refugees have become Christians, but open profession has often led to deaths.
  • Afghan believers are few and mostly Dari-speaking. Their number in urban and some remote rural areas has multiplied through the witness of expatriates, Afghan believers and even Christian Russian soldiers. The war has given some protection to this small witness. Pray for the continuance and growth of the Church in the '90s; the fundamentalist government could endanger it.
  • The International Assistance Mission is an inter-agency Christian organization, supported by 26 agencies and recognized by the government, which has continued to function in the capital through the war. Its loving and dedicated ministry to the blind, maimed, sick, deprived, illiterate and needy has been a commendation of the Christian message that has borne fruit. War conditions and insecurity are not easy for the expatriate 70 staff from many countries; pray for them, and for the recruitment of other dedicated tentmakers with a wide range of skills. This is an unusual day of opportunity.
  • Distribution of Scriptures. The new Dari New Testament is available in quantity, and the new Pushtu New Testament in limited numbers. Pray for effective distribution in spite of the difficulties. Pray for the translation of the Scriptures into other languages too; work is in progress in eight, but 29 others may need translators. There has not been a survey of the languages for a long time -- this is a great need in the aftermath of the confusion of war.
  • The Media. Pray that all appropriate methods of witness may be used effectively. GRn has made audio recordings in 38 languages and dialects; nevertheless, there is a shortage of effective gospel cassettes and videotapes. Pray for production and distribution.
    Christian radio. FEBA and IBRA broadcast nearly two hours weekly in Pushtu, FEBA 50 minutes weekly in Dari, and FEBC, HCJB and TWR 4.4 hours in Uzbek. Pray for the provision of more Dari- and Pushtu-speaking Christians to prepare programmes. Pray also for programming to commence in the Hazaraqi and Western Pushtu languages.


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