Welcome to PrayWay. We want to pray for you!
If this is your first time here, simply follow these three easy steps...
1) Register for free.
Simply click the registration link above to sign up now.
2) Post your prayer request.
After signing up, you can submit your prayer requests right away.
3) Pray for others.
We're a praying community, and we pray for each other.
What is PrayWay?
Since the early years of the internet, prayer "boards" have existed on the internet for people to post their prayer requests so that others would be able to uphold them in prayer as they read the request. A newer development is the interactive prayer forum. Far beyond simply posting prayer requests, this format involves a community-like setting where people pray for each other by posting their prayers in addition to the requests.
PrayWay was founded in 2004 to serve the universal body of Christ as an online venue for prayer requests to be received, and for Christians to minister to others through interactive prayer. Prayer forums, such as this one, function much the way a prayer group or "prayer circle" would work in a live setting. An advantage of online prayer forums is that they can occur a global level with fewer restrictions to the size of the group, time of meeting, or other limiting factors.
About us and our mission...
What we believe...
How the community works...
How to register as a member...
How to post prayer requests...
Online prayer missionary opportunity...
Join the Online Prayer Revolution!
Over 10,000 people have already joined our team!
 Audio Adrenaline
 Rebecca St. James
 Point of Grace
 Lee from D.O.C.
What has God been doing for our members?
We have received over 2,000 praise reports...
"I joined this prayer community because I needed many christians to join hands with me to pray for my mother. Today, the endoscopy was done to take a look at my mothers stomach and praise God there was no tumour."
- PrayWay member adonisbeau
"My 20-year old son, now a sophomore in college, lost his financial aid due to academic issues he failed to confront...I believe that God ultimately made certain my son's financial aid was restored."
- PrayWay member DeeinDC
"Last week I posted a prayer request that my heart tests would go well, and that I would receive cardiac clearance for my weight loss surgery. I got my cardiac clearance yesterday! Hallelujah! Thanks to God and to all of you that prayed for me. God is truly wonderful!"
- PrayWay member salth2ogal
"Since posting my prayer I have heard from my brother and he has been awarded full legal guradianship with limitless access to his son. We in the family are thrilled for him and know this could not have happened without the power of prayer."
- PrayWay member bredathorn
You can read many more testimonies of God's hand at work in the Praise Reports forum.