Prayer Profile
The Chechen of Russia
The Chechen live in the remote valleys of the Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. They are a strong, determined people with a long history of fighting for their independence. Soviet rule dominated the Chechen during the first half of the 20th century. For years the Chechen had based land tenure upon joint-clan ownership. When the Soviets introduced the idea of property ownership by society rather than by clan, the Chechen fiercely opposed it.
When World War II broke out, most Chechen opposed the Germans and fought alongside the Red Army. Despite this, in 1944 many of the Chechen and their neighbors, the Ingush, were deported to central Asia. They were allowed to return after 1968. On October 27,1991, the Chechen Republic declared its independence. Since then Russian troops have invaded Chechenya to regain control, and as a result much of the nation lies "in ruin".
What are their lives like?
The Chechen span a variety of occupations and income levels. Most grow grains, vegetables or fruit; others work in oil refineries or are stockbreeders, particularly of fine-fleeced sheep. Chechen women work outside of their homes daily, as do other women in the former Soviet Union. The Chechen generally marry outside their own clans. Marriage between blood relations is forbidden within a span of three generations. A dowry is paid by the bridegroom's family to the bride or her family as a guarantee against divorce. Traditionally, a Chechen wife is not allowed to eat with her husband or to speak to his relatives, her role is one of subordination.
The core of the Chechen society is the taip, a clan-like organization whose members descend from a common ancestor. An assembly of elders, with their own court, rule each taip.
What are their beliefs?
Ruins of church buildings indicate that at least some Chechen had converted to Christianity by the eighth century. During the 16th century Islam was introduced by other peoples who settled among the Chechens. By the late 17th century all remaining ties to Christianity had disappeared from this region.
A number of Chechen have received religious training at Dagestan, an important center of Islamic culture located the south of the Chechen-Ingush Republic.
Chechens are among the most devout
Muslims in the former Soviet Union. Several anti-Soviet uprisings have fueled their religious fervor, particularly the opposition to their deportation in the 1940's. At that time Russia attempted to completely eliminate Islam in the Chechen-Ingush territory. All mosques and other religious buildings were closed. These restrictions only served to boost Islamic missionary work in the area. Following this attempt to discourage islam, two mosques reopened in 1978. Despite leaning toward Islam, some Christian heritage can be seen in the Chechen language. Their word for Sunday translates to "God's day," and the word for Friday translates to "day of Mary."
What are their needs?
There are indications that there may now be a small group of Christians among the Chechen. There is no Bible in the Chechen language, but work is in progress. Portions of the New Testament have been translated.
The Chechen have been referred to as the "Mafia of Russia," and they are generally feared and despised by other Russian groups. Their strong Islamic faith is very difficult to penetrate. In recent years the rise in Chechen nationalism had strengthened their Islamic beliefs; however, it has also brought devastation upon them in form of Russian military invasion.
If you lived among the Chechen of Russia, fighting and military action would be commonplace. With so few Christians living there, you would have virtually no one to encourage you in your Christian faith. You may even face torture or death for your beliefs. Although Chechens are a despised people, God does not see them that way. He has a future and a hope for them. He longs for them to know a peace that can only come through the Gospel of Christ. 800,000 Chechen have never heard the name of Jesus.
Prayer Points
- Pray for the endurance and protection of the thirty known Chechen believers.
- Pray for political stability in the area where the Chechens and Ingush live.
- Ask the Lord to hasten the production and distribution of the Bible in the Chechen language.
- Ask the Lord to tear down barriers to the Gospel so that those Christian workers who live and work among the Chechens will see fruit.
- Pray against the spirit of oppression left from war and destruction.
- Pray that the day will come when Chechens declare independence from Islam.
- Ask for Christians in Germany and Jordan to have a burden to share the Gospel with the Chechens living in their countries.
- Pray that the Chechens will have the opportunity to choose Jesus. Pray that God will establish missionaries among them who are committed to their needs.
Latest estimates from the World Evangelization Research Center.
- People name: Chechen
- Country: Russia
- Their language: Chechen
- Population:
- Largest religion:
- Christians: 0%
- Church members: 0
- Scriptures in their own language: Portions
- Jesus Film in their own language: None
- Christian broadcasts in their own language: None
- Mission agencies working among this people: 1
- Persons who have heard the Gospel: 98,900 (11%)
- Persons who have never heard the Gospel: 800,000 (89%)
- Country: Russia
- Population:
- Major peoples in size order:
- Major religions:
- Number of denominations: 50
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Bethany World Prayer Center
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