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The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles

30 Day Hindu Prayer Focus.
Although the vast majority of the world's Hindus live in India, they vary widely in their practices, and missionaries have seen little impact. This 30 day prayer event aims to capitilize on the interest in global intercession projects to co-ordinate prayer for the some 800 million Hindus.

An Introduction to Hinduism.
What is a Hindu? What is the caste system? Who are the major Hindu peoples in the world? This article will answer these questions and more. Divided into a number of chapters for easy loading, after reading this article you will be able to pray more effectively for the Hindy world.

Ramadan - 30 days of Prayer for the Muslim World.
Ramadan is a special month of fasting and praying for Muslims. The 30 days of prayer for the Mulsim world is a christian response to Ramadan, and is conducted each year. This article includes not only information about Ramadan, but also features some key Islamic leaders who need our prayers.

China - Land of diversity.
This article is primarily on the 55 Chinese Minority groups. It includes information on Islam in China, education, religion, a case study of the Hui, along with statistical information. It is divided into a number of chapters for quick loading.

An Introduction to Islam
This article is 29K in length and gives you a good overview on the origins of Islam, and the main types. With more than a billion Muslims still needing to hear the Gospel, it is important that we know something about their beliefs.


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